AdWords Link Love

  • Post category:AdWords

Below is a slightly revised edition, of the second half, of a client newsletter I sent out about a week ago. The first half consisted of me outlining some of the general benefits of my services  as an AdWords Manager and Consultant. I’ll post the first half, second – of course.

The section below is pretty much me blowing my horn about some Link Love I recently received from some very credible sources.

Here it is –

I offer in evidence (making the case for Value, AdWords-wise) two testimonials from third parties in the Search Marketing world, and an article from an e-commerce media leader.

Testimonial #1
When you e-mail AdWords support, the following often appears at the bottom of their response:

“Learn from other AdWords users. Ask questions, share your knowledge, and post your favorite AdWords tips. Find out more at”

So you can imagine, a lot of traffic goes through this AdWords-Help Google Group. A lot of people, a lot of information, as well as opinions too, for that matter. I try on occasion, as time permits, to answer questions in this forum as a way to build community, and of course, get some exposure for my practice. Although, as usual, Google has strict anti-Hype/Spam rules, so posting a link or two and occasionally alluding to my experience, is about all I can do without getting spanked.

Recently the query was posted, ” Who is the master of Google and do they teach it”

You can read the post/thread yourself: but in the following give and take, I was cited, with two others, by a longtime veteran in this field,  Ian Feavearyear, as someone that had a clue; that I was a genuine AdWords Expert. So even if my temperament will not allow me to lay claim to the title: Master of Google; – I was still very gratified to see this citation. This Group is not a small pond, this is the Official AdWords Help Group.

Here it is:
Who is the master of Google

If you do not want to read the whole thread, here is the exact citation:

“IMHO, the three most knowledgeable “experts” in this forum, who have also been here a while are (in no particular order!):

Tom Hale –
Jeremy Chatfield (“JezC”) –
Richard Ball (rich@apogee) –”

Testimonial #2
To my knowledge there is only one Search Marketing trade magazine. There are many on all things computer and internet, but only one dedicated to Search Engine Marketing. That publication is Search Marketing Standard. Last week, on Thursday, a new staff blogger at SMS, Garrett French, posted about me and my blog, with quotes like this:

“I think Paid search can help me improve my community building though – and when I’m ready to scratch my paid search itch I’m going to read
Tom Hale’s AdWords blog. Repeatedly.”


“Big thanks to Tom Hale for creating such a strong, concerted and clear paid search how-to blog.”

You can read the entire post here:

A Conversational Media Marketer Meets Paid Search

For what is it worth, both these citations occurred within a week of each other, and within the last 11 days or so of this newsletter (01/30/07). The impact has been immediate.

The Article
Don’t worry, this isn’t more about me, not directly anyway,. I bet you have had about enough of that song!!  But this is a great piece from a great newsletter by a man in the know, Kevin Ryan.

It is all about small business and search marketing, the present day challenges, and the rewards. I include it here because the main theme is: – you got to know what you are doing. Do I? See above. Others, my peers, seem to think so.

Here’s the article:

BUSTED! 4 Paid Search Myths Debunked

So…… for those that made it to the bottom of this self-promoting epic. Thanks. And I hope the next time you think, “now, why I am paying this guy again?”, you will have a better sense of the “value” you are getting.