Google Ads Consulting services are available from Thomas Creek Concepts – Our rates vary depending on the circumstances, and every situation is fluid. If we are actively managing your PPC advertising accounts, communication is an ongoing necessity. Time spent communicating with clients to help better determine how we can help them meet their advertising goals, is part of the fee structure that already exists for Google Ads account management services. Our consulting rates typically start at $50 an hour for single (1-2) hours, $25 an hour for multiple (3 or more) hours.

Google Ads Account Audits

There are two main reasons why you may want an independent third party to audit your Google Ads account.

1. You have been using another third party to manage your account, and you want another professionals opinion as to what exactly is going on.

As always honesty is our policy at TCC. If we take a look and see pure awesomeness on the part of your Google Ads account manager, we’ll say so! If we see some things that stand out to us as needing improvement or further optimization, then we will be direct with our opinions. (Every account manager and company has their own way of doing things, different does not mean bad or wrong.) The question we try to help you answer is – “Is my current provider achieving my advertising goals?” 

2. You manage your own Google Ads account in-house, and you are looking for some insight from a specialist.

If that is the case then we can do a fairly quick cursory account audit, and offer some ideas as to areas which could be further optimized. If there is a particular feature of Google Ads, or a tool which isn’t quite working like it should, then we can refer you to blog posts about the topic, or official Google Ads help documentation first. Then, if there are still problems, questions, or concerns we can continue our Google Ads consulting with a long term agreement.

Existing Self-Managed Account Google Ads Consulting

Over time as the business relationship and communication develops, it becomes easier to accomplish more, in a shorter period of time, with fewer resources for all parties. If you manage and want to continue to manage your own Google Ads account, but are looking for continued consulting services we will drastically reduce our rates for such an arrangement!

The first step is getting to know each other and come to an understanding of the current situation. Once we put in that hard work together, it’s all smooth sailing from that point on. When it comes to our Google Ads consulting services, ultimately that is the place we want to reach with our clients, and a reduced rate for ongoing consultation is one of the ways we can show our appreciation for your business! 

Contact Us – If you have any questions about our Google Ads consulting services.

(We are available for Google Ads consulting via phone, Skype, or in-person by appointment. Send an email, or leave a phone message with contact information and a brief description of your needs, and we can go from there! 🙂 )