SEMpdx Forum

  • Post category:AdWords

What to do with an empty Forum?

Sing the above lyric to the tune of “what to do with a Drunken Sailor”, something like that.

Here’s the deal.
I have agreed to help energize the SEMpdx Support Forums. Energize and sculpt I should say. It is a virtual blank slate at this point, so the early users will have huge input into the formulation of guidelines, topics, accepted practices, etc.

SEMpdx is a professional organization for Search Engine Marketing.
The organization is located in Portland, OR.

I am a dues paying member, and attend most all the events. The Board is made up of solid people that really know their stuff, some with expanding National reputations. Although relatively new, SEMpdx is rapidly becoming a resource of note for Search Engine Marketing education, information, and support.

Great organization, great resource.

The SEMpdx Support Forums are new. Therefore pretty quiet just now. But the potential for high quality Search Marketing discussion and information, in a short period of time, is very strong.

Stop on by. Introduce yourself.
Be one of the early users that will strongly influence the path of this community.


Tom Hale
Internet Strategist – AdWords Specialist