While In Town For SearchFest 2013

For those in town early for SearchFest 2013 or tonight’s SEMpdx Members only mixer – I have a SearchFest related insider tip.

Recently Tom Jr brought a Google+ post to my attention from SEMpdx Board Member and SearchFest 2013 organizer Alan George concerning Portland Musician Pete Krebs.

Pete is one of all too many Portland musicians that face major medical challenges, with no safety net. Tonight at the Wonder Ballroom is a benefit for Pete sponsored by The Jeremy Wilson Foundation. The JWF is a grassroots non-profit making a difference supporting those that lay down the soundtrack for life in Portland and Portland’s growing influence.

The Rock For Pete line-up is rife with members of the Decemberists, features Jeremy’s Dharma Bums, as well as some of my favorites – Casey Neill, Lewi Longmire, James Low.

The show is scheduled from 5:30 to 12:30. Plenty of music left after the mixer.

$25 suggested donation. 21+

If you want to experience the giving heart of Portland’s incredible music scene, stop by for a few hours.